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Demand Belgian nationality under the category Declaration("déclaration de nationalité")

Palace of Justice in Brussels

To be able to gain Belgian nationality, either by being married to a Belgian for at least three years or having Belgian children, long-term stay or birth, the required length of residency on Belgian territory has been increased to a minimum of 5 years of lawful residence in the country.

There are also bases for invalids, handicapped and pensioners, as well as a legal basis of 10 years of legal stay, but the most well known (and the one that applies in many cases) is the legal basis of five years of legal stay in Belgium. That's also the one that applies in my case, so I'll cover this one.

The procedural fee for the application to request the Belgian nationality amounts to 150€.

The timeline: 

The entire process takes 4 to 6 months.

The conditions:

The requirement to demand nationality on the basis of 5 years of legal stay in Belgium:more...

The basis of five years of legal stay in Belgium, asks for proof of age(18+)and birth place, proof of uninterrupted legal stay, of social integration, of knowledge of Belgian language(A2 Level of at least one of NL,FR,DE) and of economic participation.

The required documents:more...

  1. Proof of your age.
  2. Proof of uninterrupted legal stay.
  3. Proof of social integration.
  4. Proof of knowledge of Belgian language.
  5. Proof of economic participation.
  6. Proof of payment of the application fee to request the Belgian nationality.
  7. Residence certificate with address history(certificat de résidence avec historique des adresses)- mostly provided by commune.

The process :

Are you ready to submit your dossier to demand Belgian nationality under the law 12bis "déclaration de nationalité"?

If yes,then!

  1. Complete the dossier with the documents mentioned above(Nr. 1 to 6), with the copy of your unlimited-stay(séjour illimité) residency(B/C/D/E/E+/F/F+)card .
  2. Prepare two set of your dossier by making copy of each document in two sets.
  3. Make separate copy of each page of the document. Don`t make copy of the document as front and back on same paper(Pas recto/verso).
  4. Don`t staple or pin the documents.
End of process

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